Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Learning the Letters of the Alphabet

Braxton is wanting to know about anything and everything these days. All day long I get these two questions: "What's that?" and "What's this?". (It's much cuter in his little voice and it sounds more like "whatsat?" and "whatsis?")

Braxton will often ask about the same thing over and over again, and I can tell he is trying to figure out how to get his mouth to say it. Sometimes he will say the word back, and then he wants you to repeat it to confirm that he is saying it right! I love that he is so curious and eager to learn about his world.

The surprise for me? He has been asking about individual letters in his books. His favorite books to find the letters are in these "Bright Baby" books that were given to us as a gift.

I did NOT push this on him... He wanted to know about this all on his own! I'm not one of those crazy moms that think their kid has to be the smartest kindergartner ever. We have always read to him, and he now loves to read books.

He is so smart now that he'll probably be smarter than me by the time he gets to kindergarten (good thing I have a smart husband!)!

He has now memorized these letters:

c, e, g, i, o, r, t, y

Braxton is pointing to the 'e' in the picture below. Every time he says a letter, we have to say it back to him or he just keeps repeating it over and over and louder and louder...

The letters that he now asks about are:

b, d, f, k, l, p, s, x


Megan Jo Eddie said...

What a big boy! This is such an exciting time. We're so proud of you Braxton, and maybe you can sit with Peri and read to her. She loves letters too.

Tara H said...

what a smarty! it's amazing when they start picking up things by themselves without you pushing it- it makes you feel all warm and tingly doesn't it?
I still need to call you . . .

Megan Jo Eddie said...

TAG..... hope you don't mind doing this. Can't wait to see your answers.