Friday, July 25, 2008

I Love Being a Mom!

So during a conversation today at lunch, I realized just how much I love being a mom and how important it is to me to be a good one! My I mention that Braxton was an absolute angel at lunch! It was a two hour long lunch with my VT (visiting teaching) partner, Miriah, and one of the ladies we VT, Kari. Miriah and I like to take the ladies that we VT to lunch for their birthdays.
It was so much fun, and such good food at Jakers!

During the lunch, we were discussing each other's good qualities (one thing I love about these women, is they are so nice!). Miriah mentioned how much I seem to read educational books - like parenting or gospel related books. She said that she liked to "lazy read" - which apparently means reading books that are just purely for pleasure and you don't learn much from them - I like to read those too! Anyway, she was asking me about why I read so many of those types of books... and after thinking about it, I replied "My goal in this life is to be the best possible mom I can be. I don't want Braxton to be screwed up because of me!"

And it's the absolute truth. I love being a mom, and I love learning how I can be a better mom. I am by no means perfect, nor will I be, but I like to give it a good shot! Now, don't think that I take everything I read and turn it into gospel - I certainly do NOT do that, otherwise I'd be changing my game plan every second of every day! But, I do take things into consideration and try to do what is best for Braxton and for me.

One month for book club we read "Parenting with Love and Logic" It is one of the best books that I have found on parenting. It is amazing how much I learned about myself - how I would be parenting, and how I wanted to parent (which by the way are completely opposite!). I don't necessarily follow everything in the book, but I do remember a lot of things from it that have really helped me.

At book club, one of the seminar leaders came and talked to us about the "love and logic way." It was awesome! I also found out recently that my sister-in-law, Brenda, has starting using this method on her own children, and has had good success with it. And my other sister-in-law, Natalie went to a seminar for teachers, "Teaching with Love and Logic." It makes me feel good that people I know are using and enjoying it too!

After book club, I went to the library and checked out the book related to early childhood - the toddler years. It was awesome, and has helped me to deal with issues (such as Braxton hitting me) in a much better way than I could have thought of on my own. If you are interested in learning more about this, check out their website:

These are the books that I have read.

The synopsis: "The tools in Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood will give you the building blocks you need to create children who grow up to be responsible, successful teens and adults."

The synopsis: "Raise children who are self-confident, motivated, and ready for the real world with this win-win approach to parenting. Your children will win because they’ll learn to solve their own problems while gaining the confidence they need to meet life’s challenges. And you’ll win because you’ll establish healthy control—without resorting to anger, threats, nagging or exhausting power struggles. Parenting with Love and Logic puts the fun back into parenting!"

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